SG's Guide to Moon Phases + Rituals

SG's Guide to Moon Phases + Rituals

Join us in our monthly Moon series, where we decode the significance behind this lunar cycle and how to set meaningful intentions around each passing phase.

Libra New Moon (9/25) — INNER BALANCE

We have officially entered Libra season - the season of balancing and realigning to our true selves. It’s a delicious time. The seasons change. The weather cools. Collectively, we feel the urge to nurture ourselves and make room for the things that truly bring us warmth and joy in our lives. The New Moon on the 25th is a beautiful time to set intentions for the new season and really begin some serious manifestation.

This new moon is all about your inner balance and strength. How can you turn inward and focus on using yourself for stability rather than depending on others? By connecting with your true selves and following your intuition, you’ll be living mindfully and following a grounding life full of abundance and peace.

It’s all there, inside you. You have to dig deep and unlock your inner courage, wisdom, creativity, kindness and compassion. Begin a grounding practice and physically go outside, barefoot, and connect with the Earth. Allow yourself to breathe and focus inward. From this grounding, you’ll be able to show up to yourself and follow a more present and mindful life. It’s all about that balance. The balance between living and existing, between the divine masculine and the divine feminine, between giving and receiving, shows up in every aspect of our lives.

Take this next cycle to find where you may need balance in your life and put in the work to realign it. 

About The New Moon in Libra

We have a New Moon in Libra on the 25th. This moon is all about finding harmony within, then bringing that internal stability to all areas of your life - your relationships, work, etc. This new moon is charged with the energy of new beginnings as it occurs right at the start of Libra season, which is also the first day of fall. With the moon and sun in beautifully balancing Libra, this new moon’s energy is all about finding flow and alignment in our lives. 

This New Moon is all about connecting with our inner peace so we can physically and mentally prepare for balance shifts in the Universe. Take the time to return to your center and vision a future you hope to create and manifest. 

Ask yourself, how and where is my energy best used? Where am I at my greatest alignment?

New Moon Journal Prompts

A New Moon is a time to reset intentions for a new cycle ahead. What intentions do you want to cultivate at this moment? They can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

The New Moon phase is a time to attract new people into your life, begin new projects, interview for jobs and invoke more clarity and spirituality in situations in your life. Where can you re-evaluate and plant new seeds?

Libra is all about balance. Love, partnership, harmony, diplomacy, beauty and legal matters in general. Where can you examine the work you need to do in these areas of your life? Where can you bring more balance into friendships, relationships in general, partnerships?

Love yourself, deeply. Take the day slowly and be kind to emotions that continue to rise + fall within you.