SG's Guide to Moon Phases + Rituals

SG's Guide to Moon Phases + Rituals

Join us in our monthly Moon series, where we decode the significance behind this lunar cycle and how to set meaningful intentions around each passing phase.

Raise your frequency and step into the Goddess you’re meant to be.

At the start of Virgo season we are greeted with her new moon on Aug. 27th reminding us of our worth, our power and true goddess potential. This is all about really centering yourself and beginning to do the work you've been avoiding. The time is now.

Are there dreams you're longing for or a future you aspire to create? This cycle is calling on you to make definite steps toward this goal and put in the work. This past season was a time of shedding and as we welcome fall we enter a season of growth and rebirth. 

This new moon heightens our divine feminine energy and elevates our intuition allowing us to feel confident and strong in who we are.

New moons are full of delicious potent energy; it’s a time of creation and intention as you prepare for the upcoming moon cycle. Representative of fertility, the new moon births dreams and goals into the front of your mind. It's a time to nest and bring in organization to your home and work space. New moon energy is more introverted so use this grounded Earth energy to create your sanctuary. How do you want it to feel from the inside out? Make your home this space.

A New Moon is a time to create your visions, setting new intentions and manifest. Look internally and come to terms with what's blocking you and holding you back. What do you need to release? It's time to expand. It begs a magical moon ritual to honor the occasion.


Tap into that powerful Virgo energy! Leave space for your vision and have the confidence to conquer any obstacles in your way. What new opportunities and successes are you actively calling on and working towards? Whatever you choose to put your focus on, you will have the energy of this New Moon to power and ignite you.

Virgo energy is one that thrives off of the natural and organic, making it a delicious time to really nourish yourself inward and outwardly. Pay special attention to each meal you create and give it a little love with Philosophie superfoods. Daily self-care will also give you the focus + love needed to shape strong intentions for this next cycle.

Ask yourself: Have you been putting your wellbeing and self-love first?

To harness the magic of the New Moon, this honest reflection is how you can truly show up to create the life you want as well as be there for others to your fullest capacity.


  1. What is one simple thing I can do to bring myself closer to a feeling of alignment, peace, and belonging?
  2. What are my daily rituals and/or habits? How can they align better with my life?
  3. How am I of service to others? Where can I give with more love + intention?
  4. Where can I release control in my life? Where can I lessen my idea of “perfection”?