Meet Our Muse: Drea Wheeler

Meet Our Muse: Drea Wheeler

Meet Our Muse Drea Wheeler @drea_wheeler! Celeb fitness trainer, philanthropist + Survivor contestant, she truly inspires us on a daily basis. Read more about Drea + learn why we adore her!

Give us your backstory… Did you always want to be a celebrity trainer?  How did this path come to be? 

Track was the sport that opened many doors for me. I started in Texas while in junior high school and continued to compete as a collegiate NCAA Div 1 scholarship athlete in Michigan. While competing in Michigan I would travel to Montreal often and fell in love with the Province/City. I knew I would do whatever I could to move there once I graduated. Long story short, instead of going back to school to convert my Criminology degree in Montreal, I chose to open up a studio that would cater to women like me that were looking to get fit and build a community. It grew above and beyond my wildest dreams and led to me having the opportunity to train actors and actresses while they were in Montreal filming – always follow your passion. 

Your Instagram bio reads “On a mission to get people in shape while giving back during my global travels.” Share with us your favorite ways to give back! 

I believe charities and non-profits change the world for the better. Whenever I travel I try to find a local charity that touches my soul to give back to, ALWAYS. I started a business called Afterglowfit with one of my closest friends where we do ‘out-of-the-box’ fitness events and give 100% of the proceeds to a charity or non-profits of our choosing. It not just a passion for me, it's simply a way of living.

How did your journey on Survivor start? What was the most challenging part of the show? 

Not being able to have any communication with family and friends for weeks. 


Were there any funny or significant Survivor moments that didn’t get air time? 

There was a moment when we were all cold, standing in the rain and just laughing out of pure exhaustion. The entire time the only thing I could think was ‘Why did I agree to this torture’ ha!

Do you have a mantra you live by? Any new mantras of the moment?

'Choose kindness. You have no idea the things other people are going through’ ; ‘Warriors don’t Worry'


What is your favorite way to decompress?

Working out, a good workout followed with a quiet meditation always helps me decompress and get a good night's sleep.

Do you have a morning routine? If so, share with us what works best for you! 

I do! I start with a coffee… always. A juice with super greens, fruits, AURA Inner Beauty Collagen, and hormone-leveling tea mixed together. Followed by quiet time looking out at the ocean in my living room. Nothing better than that. 


What is the greatest lesson that you've learned in the past year?

That you cannot just sit around waiting for doors to open for you. The early bird gets the worm. No excuses just action, there's a 50% chance the answer will be YES or NO and if it is NO, learn from it and try again. 

Current favorite recipe? More importantly… favorite restaurant in LA? 😊

I’m pretty simple, my favorite recipe is an avocado with my special seasoning lol I have one every single day, I'm addicted. I love the Kale and Chicken salad at the Belmont Brewing Co in Long Beach as well. I take everyone who visits me there so they can experience it as well.


How do you practice self-love and self-acceptance? 

I journal, listen to music I know will uplift my soul and read positive affirmations. It never fails me. 

What is your favorite piece from Spiritual Gangster that helps you move with support and freedom?

My WARRIOR sweatshirt from over 7 years ago. One of my fave mantras is 'Warriors don't Worry.' I've had many obstacles in my life and have become a fully armoured warrior because of it. The sweatshirt made me fall in love with Spiritual Gangster over seven years ago. I put it on when I know I need to remember the Warrior inside of me.