February 2018 Horoscopes

February 2018 Horoscopes


The last Eclipse of January 31st occurred in your 5th House of children. The coming Solar Eclipse of the 15th impacts on the Lord of the 5th House, so there are dramas going on with the children in your life. Some of it can be quite normal - they come of age, or they have their sexual awakening, or marry or go off to school. Nevertheless, they are still dramas and creating much change. This coming Solar Eclipse impacts their love and social life. In some cases it means a marriage or serious relationship, in other cases it shows a testing of the existing relationship. For you personally, it shows dramas in the lives of friends, shakeups in professional or trade organizations you belong to, and the testing of computers and high tech equipment. This Solar Eclipse also impacts on the two planets that rule travel in your chart - Mercury (short trips) and Jupiter (long trips). Not a good idea to be out on the road if you can help it. Schedule around this period. There will be changes in the conditions of work as well. Aside from the disruptions of the eclipse, the month ahead is basically happy. It’s a strong social month and you’re very much involved with friends, groups and group activities. Health looks good too. You can enhance it further through foot, ankle and calf massage. Being involved with groups and friends is not only socially happy - singles have romantic opportunities in these activities - but also helps the bottom line. After the 11th, as Venus moves into Pisces, trust your financial intuition. Love is at spiritual type settings and activities. 

You’re in a very strong career month right now. A yearly career peak. Much success is happening. Even the Solar Eclipse of the 15th, which occurs in your House of career, will help clear obstructions to your progress. There will be dramatic changes in your industry, profession and corporate hierarchy. Sometimes new rulings by the government force changes in the rules of the game. There seem to be disruptions in the home and family (especially with parents or parent figures) these days. The last eclipse of January 31st occurred in your 4th House of home and family, and the coming Solar Eclipse of the 15th impacts on the Lord of your 4th House. Be patient with family members when they seem stressed out. Repairs could be needed in the home as well. This eclipse impacts on Mercury, your Financial Planet, so it brings important financial changes. You’ll have to change your thinking and strategy. In spite of the eclipse, finances look good this month. Until the 18th, Mercury will be in your 10th House showing the financial favor of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures. Often pay raises happen under this transit (official or unofficial). After the 18th, the Financial Planet moves into spiritual Pisces and your 11th House. A good time to buy high tech equipment or software and good to earn from these things too. The financial intuition will be good. Health will improve after the 18th. In the meantime, enhance health through calf, ankle and foot massage.

There seems to be turbulence going on for students these days. The last eclipse on January 31st occurred in the 3rd House and the coming Solar Eclipse of the 15th impacts on the Lord of the 3rd House. This is showing upheavals at school, perhaps changes of school and changes in educational plans. Cars and communication equipment also seem very temperamental and repairs or replacement might be needed. This coming Solar Eclipse is stronger than the previous one. More planets are affected (one of the ways we gauge strength). Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, is affected so take a nice, easy schedule. You could be forced to re-define yourself and change your self concept. There could be disturbances in the home or with family members. Its impact on Jupiter will test your current love relationship. Mars in your 7th House is also testing your relationship, so more work will be needed to hold things together. It won’t hurt to drive more carefully - more defensively - during this eclipse period too. Health is good until the 18th, but afterwards will need more attention. Career demands are strong after the 18th. You’re beginning a yearly career peak, and while this shows success, it need not come at the expense of your health. Other, lesser priorities, should be dropped so that you can get enough rest. The Solar Eclipse is strong, but financially it looks good. The Moon’s perigee on the 27th is another strong financial day.

Two powerful planets occupy your House of love this month. For singles, this shows two serious romantic opportunities and you have to choose. Some will waver between one or the other. Some will choose. It is still a period to go slow in love and allow it to develop as it will. Time and events will test love, you don’t need to. Many financial changes going on these days. The last eclipse on January 31st occurred in your money house and forced changes. The coming eclipse on the 15th - even stronger than the last one - impacts on your Financial Planet, the Sun. Again, bringing more financial change and disruption. But this Solar Eclipse not only affects your personal finances, it also impacts on the finances of your spouse, partner or current love. Mercury and Jupiter are also impacted by this eclipse. So there are job changes, disturbances at work, and dramas in the lives of employees. There are also upheavals in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with. Drive more carefully this period. The power in your 8th House until the 18th is good for detox and weight loss regimes. Financially, it's about making money for others, but also good for tax and estate planning (if you need this). On the 18th, your Financial Planet moves into your 9th House and starts traveling with Neptune. Trust your intuition. Health is good this month but will get even better after the 18th. Foreign travel is calling to you, and after the 18th, these trips go better.

People can be bad mouthing you this month - in spite of the fact that you’re very devoted to others and more popular. Thus, there is a need to redefine yourself for yourself. Otherwise, others will do it and it won’t be so pleasant. Two eclipses have impacted on your personality and image. The last eclipse on January 31st occurred in your own sign. The coming eclipse (much stronger) on the 15th - a Solar Eclipse - impacts on the Lord of your Horoscope and has more or less the same kind of effect. If you haven’t been careful in dietary matters, there can be a detox of the body. But most importantly, you have to get clear on who you are and how you want others to see you. You’re having an identity crisis. This Solar Eclipse impacts on children and children figures in your life, so they should take a reduced kind of schedule that period (as well as you). Parents or parent figures will have financial changes - dramatic ones. There are dramas in the lives of friends, and computers and high tech equipment seems more temperamental. You, too, are making important financial changes. You’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 18th. Love seems happy. After the 18th, the libido roars and you are in a sexually active kind of period. The good news here is that it is conducive for re-inventing yourself - something that the eclipses are urging on you. Health dramatically improves after the 18th.

For those of you on the spiritual path, there is a need for much re-evaluation. It could be that you need to change teachings and practice. Perhaps what you’ve been doing was OK for a while, but spirit is directing you to go further - to another level. What was right for one stage is not right for another. Not all dreams - vivid though they seem - are to be taken seriously - especially these days. Two eclipses have been impacting on your spiritual life. The last eclipse of January 31st occurred in your spiritual 12th House. The coming Solar Eclipse of the 15th impacts on the Lord of your 12th House and has a similar (even stronger) impact on your spiritual life. There are dramas in the lives of guru figures, and shakeups in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with. This eclipse on the 15th which occurs in your 6th House brings job changes and changes in the health regime too. Because Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, is impacted you could have a detox of the body (not to be confused with sickness) and a need to change your image, personality and self concept. This will be an ongoing process for the next 6 or so months. There could be dramas in the home and with family members too. Passions seem to be flying high at home - Mars spends the month in your 4th House and the eclipse is adding to it. Still it is a good month for renovations or repairs in the home. Health will need more watching after the 18th. When the aspects are stressful, pre-existing conditions can temporarily worsen and one is more vulnerable to opportunistic invaders. Face, scalp, ankle and calf massage will enhance your health. More important even than that is to get enough rest.

A strong Solar Eclipse on the 15th impacts children, children figures and friends, but you seem unscathed. It won’t hurt to take a more reduced schedule anyway, as it might be strong on others around you - especially if it hits some sensitive point in their Natal Horoscope. The two planets involved in foreign travel - Jupiter, the generic Lord and Mercury the actual one - are impacted by this eclipse, so it's best not to be traveling this period. Try to schedule around it. A good idea to drive more defensively too. This eclipse doesn’t affect finances which seem amazingly good - especially after the 18th. You’re basically in a happy kind of month. With your 5th House of fun very powerful until the 18th, you’re in a yearly personal pleasure peak, so enjoy your life. Often the best way to solve a problem is to take your mind off of it for a while and do something that’s fun. When you get back to your problem, the mind has solved it. Love seems happy especially until the 11th. The love planet spends the month in your 3rd House. This shows that love and love opportunity is close to home, in your neighborhood and perhaps with neighbors. Educational settings, school functions, lectures or seminars are also venues for romance. On the 11th, Venus moves into Pisces and in stressful aspect with the love planet. You’ll have to work harder on your relationship. Health is good this month, and after the 18th, there is a strong focus on it. You always get good results with spiritual healing, but now even more so.

A strong Solar Eclipse on the 15th shows career and family changes. This one happens after last month’s eclipse which was more or less showing the same thing. Parents and parent figures seem especially affected and they should take a reduced schedule this period (and so should you). Often this kind of eclipse brings changes in your industry, profession or government rules and regulations. This changes the nature of the game. Sometimes there are shakeups in your corporate hierarchy or dramas in the lives of bosses. This too changes the nature of the game. The eclipses are strong on you, and your health and energy are not up to their usual standards - so be sure to get enough rest. Thigh massage and liver detox will help the health. Physical exercise and cranial sacral therapy are always good for you. Health and energy will improve dramatically after the 18th. You’re still in a prosperous kind of year. The Solar Eclipse of the 15th shows that you need adjustments - course corrections - in your financial planning and thinking. These changes will be good. Finances will get much stronger after the 18th, and more fun too. Mars spends the month in your money house which shows earning the old fashioned way - through work. But your work will create good luck after the 18th. On the 18th, as the Sun moves into your 5th House of fun, you enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. Time to enjoy life. Time to spend on things that bring happiness, not just necessities. Leisure, in its way, can also be considered a necessity sometimes and this is one of those times. The love life sparkles after the 11th, but you don’t seem serious about it. It's just another form of entertainment.

You’re the most traveled kind of person in the zodiac. Any excuse is enough for you to pack your bags and head for the airport. But this month - especially around the 15th - is not so good for that. We have a strong Solar Eclipse that occurs in your 3rd House of short trips. The Lord of your 9th House (long journeys) is also impacted. The two planets involved with travel - Jupiter (long trips) and Mercury (short trips) are also impacted. Try to stay off the road this period. If you must travel, schedule around it. This eclipse occurs right after the last eclipse that occurred in your 9th House (the Lunar Eclipse of January 31), so traveling has been dicey - to say the least - these days. Students - both on the college level or below - are making important changes to the educational plans. Sometimes they change schools or majors. Often there is a disturbance or disruption at school. Students below the college level seem successful in spite of the upheavals. The changes they make seem good. College level students seem to be partying and not paying enough attention. Mars spends the month in your sign and in your 1st House, so you have plenty of energy and drive. You get things done in a hurry. You are fearless and perhaps enjoy a good fight. You’re not one to back down these days. Courage is great, but combativeness can lead to needless conflict - and sometimes injury. Health is basically good - especially until the 18th. After that try not to push the body beyond its limits - a tendency of Mars. The Solar Eclipse of the 15th brings changes at the job and the health regime. Foot massage will enhance your health - also spiritual techniques.

Although the Solar Eclipse of the 15th is not making stressful aspects to you, it is still good to take a reduced schedule and avoid risky stressful activities. It's impacting the Lord of your 8th House, the Sun, and thus there are probable encounters with death or near death kinds of experiences (mostly psychological encounters). Keep in mind that this eclipse follows the last one of January 31st, which occurred in your 8th House, so there is much involvement with death, estates and tax issues. Those of you of appropriate age are making changes to the estate planning. The cosmos seems to be urging you to get more serious about life - reminding you of its fragility and that it can end at any time. You need to focus on your mission in life - the reason for your incarnation. Last month’s eclipse brought financial changes for your spouse, partner and current love, and this one will bring even more. The financial thinking hasn’t been realistic and needs a course correction. Since this eclipse happens in your money house, you too need to make financial changes. This eclipse also impacts on two other planets (which makes it a strong eclipse) - Jupiter and Mercury. So there are job changes, dramas at the work place, changes in the conditions of work, and changes in the health regime (these will occur over the next few months). Happily, health and energy are good and you have the strength to deal with challenges brought on by the eclipse.

Love is basically happy, but will get tested by the Solar Eclipse of the 15th. These testings are generally not pleasant but they are good. It allows us to see if love is real, and brings up the long repressed grievances so that they can be dealt with. It doesn’t create the grievances, only brings up what’s already there. While they were hidden, there was little to be done. This particular testing will also force you to re-define yourself. Your thinking about yourself - your self opinion - is merely being reflected “out there” and sent back to you. It is a healthy thing to redefine yourself, and the cosmos now forces the issue. Since this eclipse affects both Jupiter and Mercury, there will be drama with friends and the testing of friendships. Children and children figures also seem affected. Parents, parent figures and your spouse, partner or current love are forced to make important financial changes. All of you will feel this, but those of your born later in the sign of Aquarius ((February 15 to 18) will feel it most intensely. Although the eclipse brings some excitement, the month ahead is basically happy. You are in a yearly personal pleasure peak and have maximum independence. You’re basically having things your way - as you should. Self interest is not evil and focusing on others is not necessarily saintly - it all depends on the cycle you’re in. The month ahead is also very prosperous. On the 18th, the Sun enters your money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. The career is also very successful - especially after the 18th.

More changes and disruptions at the job. Job changes were indicated by the last eclipse on January 31st and are indicated by the next eclipse on the 15th. And, since this eclipse impacts on Jupiter, your career planet, career changes are also afoot. Though this eclipse doesn’t impact too much on you personally, it does impact indirectly. It will test your current love relationship. It will bring drama in the lives of parents, parent figures or bosses and is likely to bring changes to your industry or profession - and these are dramatic kinds of changes. The testing of love doesn’t seem your fault. Your beloved is having personal challenges and this complicates things. Be more patient with him or her. Your Financial Planet spends the month in your 10th House of career. Though it indicates hard work, it has many good points. It shows pay raises (official or unofficial). It shows that your good career reputation is increasing your earnings - guard your reputation well. Bosses, elders, parents and parent figures are favorably inclined to your financial goals. Even the government seems financially friendly. This is a spiritual month as well - especially until the 18th. Thus, your otherworldly interests get support from the cosmos. On the 18th, the Sun enters your sign and you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak (one of them). Job changes may be happening, but its not a big deal. Happy job opportunities are coming to you - naturally and normally, with little effort on your part. Love gets much happier after the 18th as well.